Seiho International

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Model KXU
Vent Caps

Custom Color Model KXU Vent Cap

Seiho's square-faced Vent Caps are now available with a slim hood. This model is excellent for exteriors where protection from the elements is required. Insect screens are an option.

Available Mid-April 2025!

No louver manufacturer warrants their louver to prevent water penetration under all possible circumstances of wind and rain.

Material: Aluminum
Finish: Anodized (Custom Colors Available)
Sizes: 4" & 6"
Optional Screens: 10 Mesh, 3 Mesh (Upon Request)


Custom Color
Stylish Square Design For Interior and Exterior Locations Constructed of Durable Aluminum
Fresh Air Intake/Exhaust Outlet Available with 10 or 3 Mesh Screen (Model KXU-N) Made in Japan


Fresh Air Intake/Exhaust Outlet and Ventilation for Interior and Exterior Locations.

Custom Color
Homes Ships Retail Buildings
Apartments Gymnasiums Commercial Buildings
Condominiums Warehouses Restautants


Custom Color

1.To determine minimum free area required for vent, divide the required CFM flow by the maximum recommended free area velocity of 750 FPM. Given 125 CFM: Min. free area = 125 CFM/750 FPM = 0.16 sq. ft.

2. From the Dimension table, find the corresponding minimum vent size. Model SXL 10 has 0.19 sq. ft. free area.

3. Verify the static pressure drop through the vent from the Pressure Drop Chart. Velocity of 750 FPM has 0.09 in. w.g. static pressure drop.


Custom Color

The standard finish is clear anodized aluminum. Powder coatings in a variety of colors are available upon request at a nominal charge. Please contact our sales department for assistance and detailed ordering information.




Submittal Sheet  Inch /  Metric
Installation Instruction
High Resolution Picture