Please contact us by the below form.
Your information will be treated carefully according to our privacy policy.
// reCAPTCHAのシークレットキー
$secretKey = '6Ld_87cqAAAAACf-4KRhtnmWZX7s94bPMS7TLRPD';
// reCAPTCHAのレスポンス
$recaptcha_response = $_POST['recaptcha_response'];
// APIリクエスト
$verifyResponse = file_get_contents("{$secretKey}&response={$recaptcha_response}");
// APIレスポンス確認
$responseData = json_decode($verifyResponse);
if ($responseData->score < 0.2) {
$score = isset($responseData->score) ? $responseData->score : 'No Score';
echo "invalid request: {$score}
"; // 失敗
exit; // 処理を停止
Please contact us by the below form.
Your information will be treated carefully according to our privacy policy.